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Feature Activation Required

Please contact Showpad if you're interested in configuring your own custom CRM Connector.

Configure CRM Connector

1.Sign in to Showpad's Admin App and open Settings.
2.Click on CRM in the Integrations section.

Integrations Section
3.Click the Connect to CRM button to open the new connection dialog:

New CRM Connector
4.Enter the CRM Connector information (you can update these settings later, if necessary.):

AliasA descriptive title to distinguish the CRM Connector in list views.
CRM InstanceSelect Custom to define the connector as a custom CRM Connector. This is displayed to end users in various places in the interface when given a ‘log to …’ option.
CRM NameThe name of your CRM.
CRM Tenant URLThe URL to access your CRM.
5.Click the Connect to Custom button. The settings page for the CRM connection you just created is displayed:

CRM Settings
6.Specify the endpoints to call by clicking the Edit link for Request Endpoints:

Request Endpoints

This opens the Edit Endpoints dialog:

Edit Endpoints
7.Click the Save button to register your choices.
8.Click the Show link for the Endpoints Signature Secret and copy the code.

Signature Secret

Showpad uses this to calculate and verify the HMAC signature.

Enable Visibility

By default the CRM Connector you've configured is hidden from end users. To enable the CRM Connector for end users:

1.On the CRM Connector's Settings page, click the Edit link for the Show Connection to Users section.

Show Connection
2.Select the Show to users option.
3.Click the Save button.