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AppsDB Changelog

Pull changesA query parameter "omitDeleted" has been added and can be used to pull only non-deleted entries. Omitting the parameter or setting it to false will result in returning all entries.
Push changesA changed entry's "changedAt" field will now be offset with the server time minus the pushedAt time to correct clock drift. When the changedAt time lands in the future it will be truncated to the current server-time.
Push changes"MultiStatusProblem".resolveAction will return "revert" for a problem with a type "conflict". In this case, a new "currentEntry" field will be populated with the entry that end-user needs to revert to. In other cases, "currentEntry" will be empty.
Push changes"ProblemWithFailedEntry" is renamed to "MultiStatusProblem". "MultiStatusProblem" contains 1 optional field - resolveAction which can be "none" (default), "delete", "revert". Currently it's set to "delete" only for a problem with a type "store-not-found".
Get user-scoped entries , Get global entries, Pull changesChanged query-parameter sinceChangedAt to since. This to reflect the intention of returning the changes known since this time.
Pull changesChanged field untilChangedAt to until. This to reflect the intention of returning the changes known until this time.
Push changesAdded functionality to push user-scoped entries.
Delete user-scoped entryReturns a 204 with no response body instead of a 200.
Delete global-scoped entryReturns a 204 with no response body instead of a 200.
Push changesAdded deleted property (boolean) to indicate whether an entry has been deleted or not.
Pull changesEntries contain deleted property, only when value is true.
Create store, Get user entries, Get user entries for a specific user, Get user entry, Create user entry, Delete user-scoped entry, Get global entries, Get global entry, Create global entry, Delete global-scoped entry, Pull changes, Push changes"Error" schema has been renamed to "Problem" and contains 2 extra fields, i.e. "type" and "status"
Push changes"MultiError" schema has been renamed to "ProblemWithFailedEntry" and contains 1 extra fields, i.e. "type"
Delete user-scoped entryReturns a 410 when resource is already deleted.
Delete global-scoped entryReturns a 410 when resource is already deleted.
Push changesAdded problem type "already-deleted" which corresponds to status code 410
Create store, Get user entries, Get user entries for a specific user, Get user entry, Create user entry, Delete user-scoped entry, Get global entries, Get global entry, Create global entry, Delete global-scoped entry, Pull changes, Push changesField "message" on the "Problem" schema has been renamed to title
Create user entry, Create global entry, Push changesAll PUT and POST requests with a body now require a "Content-Type" header set to "application/json"
Create store, Get user entries, Get user entries for a specific user, Get user entry, Create user entry, Delete user-scoped entry, Get global entries, Get global entry, Create global entry, Delete global-scoped entry, Pull changes, Push changesAdded problem type "throttled" which corresponds to status code 429